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    Mercedes Topiary img 5

    We arrived there and a random dude told us normally you should book in advance. Like phone, website or via information center. We didn’t know about the information center nor the website. (The Booking can be done at venao beach - but I couldn’t find it) Anyway, we got there spontaneously. We needed to wait like 45 minutes. The adventure started. Two guys took us with the car up the mountain. (So no walking) One of them explained everything in english. After like some stairs down our adventure started. We had 6 Ziplines and 2 trees where you abseiled. The whole adventure took about 1hr and was amazing! For 30$ per person, our best adventure wise investment.

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    Jake img 1

    This experience was a few years, but the story came up. After the zipline tour, the guide informed us of a suspended bridge that was not open yet, but we could check it out if wanted. After checking out the bridge, we were informed we are now being charged for a guided tour and walking across the bridge. We did not have the extra cash to spend on it and informed the guide we couldn't pay. The next day, we received a call from the resort informing us someone is here to collect out debts. Not sure how the found out where we were staying, but we sacrificed future plans and paid the owner.

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    Nancy Nikfarjam img 5

    We had a great time and the price was very reasonable. Our two zip line guides were extremely safety conscious and very nice. Make sure you make phone contact before you make the drive since the don't operate every day.

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    Morningstar Pinto img 5

    Drove from Playa Venao to check out the zip lines and waterfall. They are CLOSED for the next few months or so (might open end of March 2020?) to do upgrades. There is currently a school in the space. The teachers were very kind and let us pop up to the waterfall for a swim. It was gorgeous!

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    Carlos Hassan img 5

    It's awesome. Hiking, canopy tour, Tarzan swing, waterfall, river, all kinds of creatures Amazing!!!